Rampage World Tour is an arcade video game released in by Midway Games in 1997 as the sequel to Rampage. George, Lizzie, and Ralph have been released due to an explosion at…
Die Hard Arcade, known as Dynamite Deka in Japan, is an arcade beat ’em up video game released by Sega. It was the first beat ’em up to use texture-mapped 3D polygon…
What a weird pinball machine. It looks like a video arcade on legs. I am going to build a custom frame for ours and not worry about the pinball legs. Maybe.
This is a huge widebody space themed pinball machine.
A huge widebody from 1980 with a panther lady theme.
A Miami Vice themed game, but they couldn’t get the rights, so they moved them to Hollywood. The man in the flyer is Jeff Walker from the Marketing Department at Premier. This…
A crazy road warrior themed machine.
A unique machine where you earn chips for your bonus and you can bet those chips during gameplay. The song is sung by Steve Richie – the designer of this and many…
Zaccaria Supersonic is a single player, add-a-ball, pinball machine from Italy. I love the artwork on this one. Even though it came out in 1977, it has a groovy 60’s vibe. Fun…
I was contacted by a couple that had two “old pinball machines” in storage. They thought one worked and one did not. Apparently about 25 years ago 10 pinball machines were found…